
Saturday, 22 October 2011

jon neafcy @ wakefield 1st dec

The first of wakefields talk/meetings will be held on the

1st December

geust speaker
 jon neafcy (RO region 31) and gives a briliant talk/slideshow hes had some lovely fish u wont be disapointed

The talk will start from 8:15pm
 £3 on the door

There will also be a raffle drawn that evening

The venue

Redoubt Rugby Club

this is open to members and non members every one is welcome

(i know its a little early advertising this but with taking over and people thinking the club may fold i need to get this out so people need not worry)

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Pike Teach In Day 4th December

There will be a pike teach in day held at horbury lagoon on the 4th of December  running from 9am to 4pm me martin Travis and aidey mason  will be showing all aspects of pike fishing from dead bait’s to lure fishing  if u would like to come along please feel free to attend or if u would like to take part please put your name on the list there is 12 spaces for this we will be showing safe handling and safe rigs

I would just like to thank Wakefield angling club for allowing this event to take place

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

new wakefield pac ro please take it easy on me lol

Rite lads and ladys ive taken on the role of the wakefield ro from peter green with all the hard work peter did if i can be half as good as him at running the club i will be happy

im trying to keep the venue same for the meetings and on the same nights the only problem to start with the meetings may not start till after xmas or next season i do hope u understand i just need to get my head round it all and try my best so they run as smoothly as possible with some good speakers

in the meentime if u do need to contact me


please feel free to email me with any problems or anything that could be improved be it days out/things u wanna see at the meetings stuff like that its your club if i dont know what u want i cant do anything about it

all the best for the upcoming season tite lines
regards craig pickles